Thursday, March 14, 2002

Time for the Thursday Threesome

Onesome. Morning. What is typical first thing in the morning routine?
Go to the bathroom and hit the shower. By the time I'm out, I'm usually fairly wide awake. Just don't be cheery around me before my shower. :) I'm trying to add exercise back into my routine, so this morning I went running.

Twosome. Noon. Ok. Fess up. What do you typically do for lunch?
If it's up to me, I eat yogart and a sandwich, sometimes chips if I'm especially hungry. Again if I'm by myself, I'm either watching a taped tv program or reading. I meet some friends most Tuesdays (the other headshavers from last summer.). I'm going to try to start hitting the fitness center here at Master's a couple times a week again.

Threesome. Night. What are the last few things you do most nights before climbing into bed?
Brush teeth, change into my "pj's," and read at least a chapter in my book.

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