Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday Threesome for July 17th

This week's episode is brought to us by musicals and The Back Porch.

Onesome: Guys-- do the darnedest things, -right? What's the darnedest thing you've had a male acquaintance do that you just know a gal would never even think of? (Okay, girls, toilet seats do not count on this one !)
Continue on in some obnoxious behavior long after it is clearn that it is bothering their significant other/the rest of the group (depending on the size of the group).

Twosome: and-- to turn it around, what's the darnedest thing you've had a female acquaintance do that you just know a guy would never even think of? (Okay, guys, that hair-flip move doesn't count either...)
How about traveling to the bathroom in packs, then?

Threesome: Doll--ing yourself up? What is your idea of dress-up? Hmmm... Let's go with Summer wear for now!
During the summer, I wear jeans to work, so that's pretty dressed up, right? I do still wear Docker type pants to church. Other than that, it's shorts all the time.

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