Friday, November 21, 2008

Mini Review: Mr. Monk is Miserable

Today's mini review is of Mr. Monk is Miserable by Lee Goldberg.

The book picks up where the last book left off, with Monk and Natalie in Germany. Natalie has talked her boss (via blackmail) into going on a real vacation in Paris. And so they arrive in France. Monk isn't happy about having nothing to do, but Natalie is trying to enjoy every minute she can relaxing.

That is until they visit the catacombs. There, Monk finds a modern skull in the middle of all the ancient bones. Worse yet, the person was murdered. Who could it be? And will this ruin Natalie's vacation?

The plot started out rather slowly, but that's my only real complaint. The characters were true to their TV personalities. Okay, so Natalie was a selfish jerk for a while, but she did realize it before the book was over.

And the story was hilarious! I was laughing out loud so many times. There's a sub-plot in the second half that fans of the TV show will particularly love.

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