Thursday, May 06, 2004

A Late Thursday Threesome for May 6th

Better late then never, right? Here's today Thursday Threesome, brought to us by brides and The Back Porch.

Onesome: Something old- Do you have anything that you've owned simply forever? A cherished childhood toy, an antique handed down through the family...
My Trixie books? I've had them for over half my life. :) I'm sure if I went through my boxes in the garage I'd come up with quite a few things I can't quite bring myself to get rid of from my childhood. But I can't think of any off hand.

Twosome: Something new- Buy anything new lately?
Nothing major, but I did get the three Herbie the Love Bug sequels on DVD yesterday as well as Mercy Me's just released CD.

Threesome: Something borrowed- Ever borrowed anything and never returned it?
I once borrowed some books for six months before returning them. But since I hate tracking down people who haven't returned my stuff, I make sure I return anything I've borrowed in a timely maner.

Bonus: Something blue- See anything blue from where you are? What is it?
The blue borders on the blogger edit page. :) A few book covers on my bookcase. A row of blue binders on a different bookcase. That's about it.