Wednesday, July 16, 2003

I didn't get it. My realtor called this afternoon to tell me I was outbid by several thousand dollars. And there were a total of 6 bids in 24 hours. So now I'm back to being discouraged and convenced that I'll never get a place. :) Am I on a rollercoaster or what? (So what else is new in my life.)

And, to top things off, last night Dave left Last Comic Standing. In two weeks, I've lost both the people I was rooting for. It is a little bittersweet because the alliance got put in their place with Dat staying around. Next week will be intersting as everyone reevaluates where they stand after he survived. And I'm so glad to see them be brought down a peg or twenty. But enough about that. We're discussing it (as always) over at snarkfest.

And, on that note, I think I'll head out to get cash, buy gas, and head home. I'm skipping my ultimate game tonight, so it will be a quiet evening of packing and relaxing before Angelique and I leave for Trixie Camp in the morning. See you all when I get back.

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