Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thursday Threesome for October 16th

This week's edition is brought to us by fencing and The Back Porch.

Onesome: Dodge--? in "Get outa'? Okay, so tomorrow is Friday: where would you go to "get out of Dodge" for a day (if you could, that is)?
Probably where I am going on Saturday, Disneyland!

Twosome: Parry--? What's your best comeback? ...and yeah, "Oh, yeah?" doesn't count !
You know you're wrong.

Threesome: Block-- Parties: do you have them? Apartment get togethers count too. Oh, heck, even dorm keggers, -eh?

Nope. Get to gether with friends? Yes. Neighbors? Not so much.


Kiefler said...

For a Parry, what about "You're right, I think I'll kill you now."

Oh, yeah, you got struck right in the middle of the chest with that one.

*Nudge nudge* *Wink wink*

Mark Baker said...

See, that would be your answer. :)