Thursday, August 26, 2004

Thursday Threesome for August 26th

Yes, I'm back at work today. I'm tired, but I'm here. Think I'm over that sickness nonsense.

But the real reason for today's post is the Thursday Threesome, brought to us this week by Fall weather and The Back Porch.

Onesome: Cool-- Well, summer is almost gone (except for those Down Under who are expecting it soon), and the cooler weather is coming. ...and other than those who live in places like Hawai'i, things are about to change. Which do you prefer, the coolness of Winter where you live or the warmth of your Summer?
Warmth of summer no question. And I'm rather sad that we only had one really hot week this year. I want my summer!

Twosome: Blue-- Today's softball: blue or green? Pick one! ...okay, if it's a tie (high or low), what color do you prefer for decorating or accents?
Green! I've always loved green and think I always will.

Threesome: Mornings-- Mornings, afternoons, evenings, nights... What's your favorite time of day? ...and what makes it so for you?
Twilight either direction. I like watching the light come or go from the sky. Ok, so I usually only see the light do at dusk, but the few times I've watched the sun come up and been neat as well.

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