Thursday, August 05, 2004

Thursday Threesome for August 5th

Hey. I've finally got a few minutes to do this week's Thursday Threesome, brought to us this week by the postman and The Back Porch.

Onesome: Surprises-- Hey, do you like surprises? ...and what kinds? Birthday parties, dinners out? ...or are you one of those people who absolutely has to know what's going on before it happens?
I always like pleasant surprises. :) Other then that, I like to know what's happening as soon in advance as possible. As I like to say, I can be flexible if you give me 10 minutes warning. :)

Twosome: in the-- nick of time: How do you keep track of birthdays and anniversaries and events you need to remember but only occur once a year? ...and where is your bailout place for cards and such when you've cut things a little too close?
For some reason, I seem to remember them. But if I ever forget some year, I know I'll be in a world of trouble. And I buy most of my cards at Hallmark stores in town, but sometimes I'll buy them at Wal-Mart or a grocery store or wherever I happen to be when I need one.

Threesome: Mail-- Mail Call! Did anything interesting show up lately besides the bills? ...and do letters and cards still make it to your place or have email and ecards taken it all over? Inquiring minds and all that...
The last surprise I had in the mail was the package from Faith, which I really enjoyed. I also got a package with a couple books and a DVD in it from Amazon last week, but I ordered that so I knew it was coming.

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