Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Last Week's Game

We're winding down Summer League.  Just got tonight's last official game and then tomorrow's make up game before Saturday's tournament.  Since we have only won one game so far, I'm not exactly going to miss it this year.  Hopefully next year I'll be on a team that at least has a 50% record going into the finals.

Anyway, I've already given away the ending of last week's game.  We lost in over time 16-18.  What's worse is we were way ahead at half time, 9-3.  What happened?  They stopped messing up and we started messing up.  That's pretty much all there is to it.

Not that I was really helping.  I got scored on a time or two and either didn't catch it or couldn't pass it on when it was thrown to me.  Not one of my better performances.

Our games this week are against two of the better teams.  Then on Saturday we'll start off by playing the #1 seed (we're 8 out of 8).  So I'm expecting to have four games of summer league left this year.

Still can't believe the summer is almost over already.

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