Thursday, July 22, 2010

Friday Book Memes for July 23rd

I've read one book and am most of the way through another, so I am going to do two of these this week.  First up is Mr. Monk is Cleaned Out by Lee Goldberg.  The first sentence (for Book Beginnings on Friday) is:

Some guys showed up the other day at the house next door, mowed the dead lawn, and spray-painted it green.
And now, for the Friday 56, I present the 5th sentence on page 56.

I also know that anyone who has evidence that could help solve a murder has an obligation to share it with the police, regardless of whether the police have just fired you and your comely assistant.

To be honest, I like both of the sentences.  They aren't exactly moving the story forward, but I find them amusing and give a great feel for the tone of the book.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now we are moving onto The Horse and His Boy, one of the Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis.  Yes, this is a reread for me, and I'm finding myself getting caught up in it all over again.  Better book than I remembered in fact.  The first sentence is:

This is a story of an adventure that happened in Narnia and Calormen and the lands between, in the Golden Age when Peter was High King in Narnia and his brother and two sisters were King and Queens under him.
Rereading it still gives me the thrill it did when I read it for the first time in 3rd grade.  I always wanted to know more of what happened during the Golden Age, and so I was thrilled to get a chance.  The book doesn't quite live up to that promise, but I've grown to like it over time.

Anyway, the 5th sentence on page 56 of my edition reads:

And there was no time to think, for the leader of the Narnians said at once: "Take one of his lordship's hands, Peridan, of your courtesy and I'll take the other."
That would be Edmund taking Shasta's hands and leading him off.  At this point, he doesn't know who they are, so it actually creates quite a headache and plot complication for our heroes.


Unknown said...

hey mark! i love the chronicles of Narnia!!! visit me on my blog k..

Suzanne said...

I like the Mr. Monk sentences too!

Jennifer Oberth said...

I love the Monk books. Actually, I love Lee Goldberg's books. (And his brother Tod's books, too.) I love the humor and I agree about the sentences. They may not move anything forward but it's not a thriller. The sentences give a great flavor and something I can sink my teeth into and even wonder what's going to happen next BECAUSE these two sentences are more descriptive.


Here’s mine!

Sherrie said...

Who doesn't like the Chronicles of Narnia. I loved it. Have a great day!

Just Books

Anonymous said...

My favorite:
Some guys showed up the other day....

Too funny!!

Here's My F56

Booklover Book Reviews said...

I'll admit I have a soft spot for Monk the TV series, but have never read the books. Someone mowing a lawn and spray painting it green certainly gets my attention! Here's my opening sentence:

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I enjoyed both openers, but I must say that the Narnia one is so lyrical, I just want to read it over and over...

Here's mine:

Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

The first one sounds pretty comic, I wreckon I'd be laughing the whole way through it.

I have an admission to make - I haven't read the Narnia series! I will one day though!

I loved the quotes from both the books