Thursday, July 29, 2010

Book Memes for July 30th

Looks like it is time for this week's book memes.  This week's book is How to Crash a Killer Bash by Penny Warner.  I just finished it at lunch time today.

I absolutely loved the first sentence, so I've been waiting to share it as part of Book Beginnings on Friday

The murder weapon lay on a black velvet cloth, traces of blood so deeply embedded in the carved hilt that centuries of wear hadn't eroded the terror it could still induce in the viewer.

That kind of opening for a mystery novel is enough to make me grin and keep reading.

Now, I read this book via an ARC, so my take on the Friday 56 might differ from others.  But here is sentence 5 from page 56 from the ARC edition:

Suddenly feeling chilly in the vast grand room of the museum, surrounded by symbols of murder and mystery, I hugged myself. 
I had miscounted when I looked at this book originally.  That's a much better sentence than the one I thought I'd be using.


Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

Sounds great - so gruesome!!

Aleksandra said...

Wow, awesome beginning! The other sentence is good, too! I'll have to add this book on my list! Have a great weekend!

Aleksandra said...

I just realised that I've added this book on my wishlist a few days ago, but I didn't expect these kind of sentences, so now I'll definitely get it soon :)

Unknown said...

cool! here's my friday 56..

Kathy Martin said...

Sounds good! I'll have to add the book to my wishlist. Happy reading!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a spine-tingling read.

Mine's from The Turn of the Screw.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Sounds like a chilling book...

Here's my beginnings:

Jennifer Oberth said...

That does sound like an intriguing mystery.

Speaking of mysteries, mine is Agatha Christie!

Sherrie said...

Sounds like an awesome book. I'll have to check this one out. Have a great day!

Just Books

Booklover Book Reviews said...

Yep, that's an opening line that really grabs you!