Friday, March 26, 2010

Book Beginnings on Friday - March 26th

So, I'm hoping to start participating in the new weekly meme from Page Turners called Book Beginnings on Friday. The idea is to share the first sentence of your current book and talk about whether you like it or not.

I am currently about 70 pages from the end of Dem Bones' Revenge by Kris Neri. I'm actually going to cheat and include the first paragraph, aka the first two sentences. And they are:

"You do see I have no choice, don't you, Tracy?" the breathy voice said over the
phone. "I have to kill you."

Now if that's not going to catch your attention and make you keep reading, I don't know what will. That, to me, is a great beginning. And it sets up a great first page that introduces the main character and allows the humor of the novel to come through.

I plan to finish the book today, so check back next week for a full review of it.


Gilion at Rose City Reader said...


Mine actually has two deaths in the fist sentence, but it still made me smile:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that first line!!! I'm going to have to put this on my WL!!

Mine's HERE

Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

That is a great first sentence, it can only get faster from there. I will look out for your review!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Oh, that one definitely captured my attention!

Here's mine: