Friday, April 22, 2005

Thus Endest Another Week

My mind was not on work today. It was on anything but work. I have a feeling I would have found paint drying fascinating.

My watch broke Wednesday. I had my coat on, and when I went to take it off, I realized something wasn't right with my watch. One of the four places that's supposed to hold the wrist bands on broke off. Watch itself is still working, so I now have a pocket watch. Still, it's rather hard when I'm used to looking at my wrist everytime I want the time or date. My watches seem to fall apart every two years or so anyway, so I was about due.

I left work early yesterday to head to another employment agency, this time in town. And their clients are in town as well. We'll see what happens with them.

Youth group was very different last night. We had a shower for Kurt and Kellie, the jr. high staffers that get married in 8 days. No worship, brief devotional, that kind of stuff.

We've been having weird weather this week. Yesterday, it was in the 80's. Couldn't ask for a nicer day. Today, it's cloudy and cool. We have a 50% chance or rain in the next 24 hours. Just in time for the LA Times, UCLA festival of books. It will probably mean fewer people, which will make it more enjoyable for me. I just hope it doesn't mean I wind up with ruined books.

Speaking of books, I'm working my way through Letter from Home right now. It takes place in a small Oklahoma town in 1944. Very good. Wish I had more time to read it. Of course, with Greatest American Hero season 2 calling loud and clear, I haven't gotten as much reading done this week as I would have liked.

Just got the call I was hoping for from my home owner's association. I got my bill for dues yesterday, and it showed that I hadn't made a payment in 3 months and owed lots of money. So I called them. Got the answering service, but when they called back, they started talking about the error and told me that new bills went out today. Which I'm very glad to hear. There's a $500 difference, and I'm glad I don't have to fight to get a record of my payments into their system. Just hit a wrong button.

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