Thursday, February 24, 2005

Thursday Threesome for February 24th

Post this quick, then get back to work!

Brought to us this week by Jill Conner Browne and The Back Porch.

Onesome: Sweet Potato-- Sweet potatoes always remind me of thanksgiving which brings me to food...what is your all time favorite holiday food that you wish you'd get a chance to eat at other times?
Pumpkin Pie and Mom's Yams and Apples

Twosome: Queens'-- do you follow what Prince Charles and others are up to? What do you think about the Queen not going to the wedding?
I follow the Brittish royal family as little as possible. Feel the same about them as I do about our politicians. However, it seems funny to me that the Queen won't be at the wedding.

Threesome: Field Guide to Men-- when it comes to the opposite sex, do you feel you have a grasp on 'em - or do they continue to just surprise you?
I don't think women are any harder to understand then men. Both surprise me to no end.

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