Thursday, November 11, 2004

Thursday Threesome of November 11th

But first, a public service announcement.

Happy Vetrans Day! And thanks to all those who have served to keep us safe and free.

Now, on to the business at hand. This week's edition brought to us by jet lag and The Back Porch.

Onesome: World-- Okay, you've been here; you've been there. ...or maybe not. Is there someplace you think it would be cool to spend a holiday? Christmas in the Alps? St. Patrick's Day in Erie? Oh, sure, take the entire family if you'd like!
I'd love to spend the 4th of July in Washington DC. Along with everyone else in the country, I'm sure, but it would still be cool.

Twosome: Weary-- Have you ever had to deal with jet lag? How have you handled it? ...and which direction is worse for you, going East or going West? Just curious...
I've noticed it when traveling to the East Coast, but it's not as bad as Europe and Israel. Israel was the worst cause I was only there a week, had just adjusted, then got hit again going the other way. I think coming back was the worst from both because you get tired so early but must stay up. I had little trouble going to sleep on the going end because I had slept so little in the plane. But coming back it suddenly hits me and I can't keep my eyes opened another minute.

Threesome: Traveler-- When you've traveled, what conveyance has bothered you the most? That camel in Morocco? The train ride through the Rockies? Your brother-in-law's Dodge? What just set your nerves on edge?
My dad's driving in Europe. :) We had such a hard time following the signs. We got lost multiple times and even wound up in a pedestrian only place once.

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