Thursday, November 04, 2004

Thursday Threesome for November 4th

Welcome to this week's Thursday Threesome, brought to us by Disney and The Back Porch. (Yes, I know A. A. Milne actually wrote the Winnie the Pooh books. But the title that we're using here is from Disney, hence the reason I went with them.)

Onesome: Winnie the Pooh-- What was your favorite book series as a kid? Was there one you tried to find the complete set to read? ...or maybe just one book you remember well?
Any guesses? Why yes, I'd say Trixie Belden. Had to get all of them. And as an adult I've started collecting more of them. And I still read them.

Twosome: and the-- holidays are just around the corner? Are you ready for things? ...or are you too immersed in life to even think about it?
I'm looking forward to them, but my class is catching up with me. I've got to get my paper written before Thanksgiving or it will be late. And my parents are probably very upset that I haven't come up with a wish list yet for Christmas, but I haven't had time to do that, either.

Threesome: Blustery Day-- Hey, what do you like to do on a stormy day when you're not working or in school? Do you curl up with a book? Watch TV? Bake? How do you pass the time when you don't feel like going "out in it"?
A walk in the rain followed by curling up and reading a good book or watching a good movie would make for a perfect rainy day for me.

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