Friday, August 08, 2008

Thursday Threesome of Friday 8/8/8

Okay, so I'm a day late. But at least it lets me post on 8/8/8.

This week's topic is brought to us by memorable advertising slogans and The Back Porch.

Onesome: Leggo'-- of that! Okay, is there something (sure, food works!) that shows up from time to time that you'd really like to have and someone else usually makes a grab for it? I'm thinking Christmas is coming and maybe those 'special' cookies need to be planned for...
Nothing is springing to mind. Although I certainly like my share of sweets. I'm probably the one grabbing them when I should be letting someone else have them.

Twosome: my-- how time flies: Back to School sales are already over and I'm seeing Thanksgiving stuff in the stores! Whaddayathink: are you ready for Summertime to be over and done with?
Summer will be over when I say it is over. And that won't be until sometime in September or October.

Threesome: Eggos-- and the like: do you have a frozen food you keep around just because you actually like the darned thing?
Honestly, who doesn't like ice cream? (Hey, that's a frozen food, right?)

Seriously, I do enjoy frozen waffles and TV dinners, so I tend to keep them around.

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