Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I'd feel bad about not blogging if I had something exciting to talk about. But I don't.

This last weekend was very quiet. I did absolutely nothing on Saturday. Well, I watched a couple movies and wrote several reviews. I will hit 30 reviews in September over at Epinions, which is good considering how little time I have now that the new TV season has started.

And, while I haven't been blogging here, I have been blogging. I have been invited to blog about Dancing with the Stars over at The Disney Blog. You know, that takes a lot more work then I thought it would. Either that or I set the bar too high for myself. Still, it should be fun. Granted, it doesn't help that this week it's on three times.

And I'm trying to sample all kinds of new shows. Last night, I watched the premier of Chuck. That really has the potential to be a fun show. I certainly enjoyed the pilot. Tonight I plan to watch Bionic Woman and record Life. Not to mention the fact that I want to give Back to You another few weeks to develop.

And that's just this week. Next week I'll be trying to add Cavemen for at least one week and Pushing Daisies. No wonder this is stressing me out. See, I still have to find time to write reviews, too because you know I will.

Deep breath. Repeat after me. This is supposed to be fun. This is supposed to be fun.

In other news, we had a church business meeting to talk about the pastor search Sunday afternoon. I guess the good news is that the three hour meeting only delved into a shouting match once. Still, I was emotionally spent by the time I left

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