Friday, August 12, 2005

News and Thursday Threesome

Since The Back Porch was down when I went to blog yesterday, I'll have to do the Thursday Threesome now. Additional sponsor this week is Harley-Davidson.

Onesome: Sturgis- Have you ever been there, or anywhere else in South Dakota? Want to see where Laura Ingalls Wilder grew up in her Little Town on the Prairie? Or have you taken in Mount Rushmore and the Black Hills?
I don't know. What did I say at Trixie camp? :) If I've been to South Dakota, it was just a corner to drive through. I would really like to see Larua's town and Mount Rushmore.

Twosome: Motorcycle- Ever owned or ridden on a motorcycle? Do you aspire to ownership now? Ever wanted to hit the open rode and just go?
No and no. Yes, I want to hit the open rode, but usually via a car.

Threesome: Rally- v. to muster for a common purpose- Ever been to a large rally of any sort? A church rally, motorcycle rally or even a big family reunion? Or how about a road rally? Where did you go? Was a good time had by all?
I've been to youth rallies. I've been in charge of youth rallies. I've been to family reunions. I can't think of a bad experience at any of them, so I'd say a good time was had by all.

Now to the news portion of this evening's post.

Thursday Mom called to say my uncle is in the hospital. It's not looking good right now at all. He's in a coma, and he's not responding when they come into run tests on him like a body normally would (pupils in eyes and such.) He had bleeding in his brain, and they really didn't know why or if he'll recover. This is the uncle we don't have a good relationship with, but it's still hit all of us very hard.

Youth group last night was a flying by the seat of your pants production. Most everyone seems to be on vacation right now, and we only had nine kids and four staff. We changed what we were doing multiple times and did more hanging out then anything organized, but it seems to have worked.

And tonight is the first career Bible study since June and the first one I've been to since May. Or is it April? Too many conflicts recently. Looking forward to seeing everyone.

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