Thursday, September 12, 2002

Time for today's Thursday Threesome, brought to us this week by St Francis of Assisi and The Back Porch. (And if you aren't familiar with the wondful song that the Raggamuffin Band did of this prayer, buy this CD now. That's an order.)

Onesome. Instrument. What is your favorite instrument to play or listen to? Have a penchant for the guitar? What about the piano? Tell us about your passion...

As I talk about all the time, I play the guitar. It's the instrument I've always wanted to play, and I've always loved. And I love playing it. Of course, of just one of those chord and strum people. I love to listen to classical guitarist.
But you probably didn't know that I also took 10 years of piano lessons. Unfortunately, I've forgotten most of what I even knew, but I love listening to my brother play. He's far above the level I ever reached.
And, right after I started this job, I quite playing handbells. Those are so beautiful when played right.

Twosome. of your. Time of your life? A moment? An age? An event? Tell us about it!
Trixie convention? I'm really not sure. Pretty much any time I'm part of a group that accepts me and I have fun. I'm really hard to please that way.

Threesome. Peace. Though we may wish for Peace on Earth, what gives you inner peace?
God. As I shared after the rant yesterday, knowing God is in control is what got me through last year and gets me through tough days personally. Along those lines is David Meece's classic Learning to Trust and Downhere's song Calmer of the Storm. Both remind me to turn my eyes to Him who created this world with his words.

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