Saturday, September 23, 2023

February 2023 - The Flood

(Just a quick note:  If you are landed here because of a comment I left on your book blog, you might be more interested in my review blog, Carstairs Considers.  But you are very welcome to stick around here, too.)

If you haven't heard, we've had a lot of rain in 2023 in Southern California.  (And that was before Tropical Storm Hilary dumped more than a year's worth of rain on us in August.)

When I first moved into my condo, I used to have a real problem with my garage leaking in any rain storm when we got more than an inch.  That has stopped in recent years - partially because we haven't gotten much rain at all and partially because, I think, the HOA finally listened to me and beefed up the drainage next to my garage.

However, my garage did flood again in February.

We'd gotten plenty of rain in January and February, but one weekend, we got a heavy rain storm.  Like four inches overnight.  I figured if my garage was every going to flood, this was going to be what caused it.

And it flooded.

We aren't talking about just a little bit of water, it essentially flooded the entire flood of my garage.

I'd gotten lazy about what I put where, and so the water had plenty of things to take it from one item to the next.  I'm not sure if that helped it spread further than it would have or not.

I spent the next few days cleaning it up.  It seemed like the more I worked, the more stuff I found that was wet.  I throw away quite a bit of stuff, and the result is a garage that looks better.  Yes, I could still clean it up more, but it is better than it was.

I was glad that it never flooded again even with all the rain we kept getting through the spring.  Once was enough.  That also leads me to believe that we've got better drainage then we used to that just got overwhelmed that night.

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