Thursday, April 12, 2007

Thursday Threesome for April 12th

This week's edition is brought to us by fictional characters and The Back Porch.

Onesome: Heroes-- from the movies? Who was your hero in a movie, TV show or book when you were growing up?
My favorite superhero as a kid was always Wonder Woman. In fact, I'd want to be her when we played superheroes. Then you wonder why I got teased all the time growing up. :)

Twosome: and-- while we're at it: any 'new' heroes in any shows or books lately?
Well, I am hooked on the TV show Heroes. That's about the only new show I'm watching. And I'm drawing a blank on any new book series I've discovered recently that I've loved.

Threesome: Villains-- can be "bad guys" or just plain scary; which one scaried the heck out of you as a kid? (No flashbacks, please; just go for a bad guy if you'd prefer!)
As a kid, I was scared of Marley's Ghost from the George C. Scott version of A Christmas Carol. Frankly, that part still makes me tense up, although I don't spend the next month worring about him showing up.

And this seems like a perfect post to once again plug the blog of a story my friends and I are working on called Superheroes and Villains. It's a lot of fun. It's stalled on the blog at the moment, but we are still working on it. And, we've got plenty up for you to read already. Check it out and let us know what you think.

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