Saturday, July 07, 2012

Weekly TV Recap for July 7th

Burn Notice - I'm with Sam, I miss Fi as part of the team.  I find her time in jail interesting, but I really, really want her to join the rest of the team on the outside soon.  Of course, if it means more Nate, that's ok since I've always liked his character.  Pierce got some great stuff, too.  And that scene between Michael and Fi at the end was wonderfully heartbreaking.

Suits - The strike storyline was okay, but I found the other stuff much more interesting.  I liked seeing a good side to Louise.  And his comment at the end to Jessica was good and right on, even if I usually find him oily.  Hardman is making things very interesting around the firm.  And Rachel and Mike took an interesting twist as well.  I hope she does well on the test this time.

Tron: Uprising - They actually had Tron be a big part of the episode.  Beck losing his memory was probably the best storyline they've done to date.  Really interesting and exciting.

Wipeout - I was rooting for the band geek, but he just couldn't get it together at the end of round three.  Really liked some of the new obstacles.  I'll definitely keep it going for now.

Common Law - The mystery was pretty good.  I did finger the sister early on, but I wasn't sure how it had been done.  As always, the comedy was just wonderful.  It's why I keep coming back to this show more than the mysteries.

Tron: Uprising - So Paige gets a back story.  Interesting.  I wonder how long it will be before she learns the truth about which side she is on and what happened to her friends or what Beck was really up to.  The series starts out slowly, but it does seem to be building as it goes along.

Wipeout - I'm not too surprised that the men dominated the women in the Armed Forces addition.  You've got the best men in the best physical fitness shape.  The women are no slouches, but they just can't compete.  I'm shocked the one guy gave up.  I might be slow, but I don't think I'd quit.  Then again, that Wipeout zone was tough!  The second round seemed a little too easy, but the last one more than made up for it.

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