Thursday, June 21, 2012

Spring Reading Things 2012 Wrap-Up

As I sit here with the sliding glass door open freezing, it seems a little hard to believe that it is the first day of summer.  But so says the calendar, so that must mean it is time for my Spring Reading Thing 2012 Wrap Up Post.  You can read more of them here.

I was a very good boy this time around, as you'll see.

All links take you to my review at Epinions.

Books on my original list finished:
Royal Pains: Sick Rich by D. P. Lyle
Spy School by Stuart Gibbs
The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan
Hot, Shot, and Bothered by Nora McFarland
Twice Upon a Time by James Riley
The Council of Mirrors by Michael Buckley
Fun House by Chris Grabenstein
Murder on Monday by Ann Purser
Shadows on the Sand by Gayle Roper
Swift Justice by Laura DiSilverio
Echoes of Titanic by Mindy Starns Clark and John Campbell Clark
Darkwing Duck: Campaign Carnage by Ian Brill et. al.

Books not on my original list finished:
11th Hour by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro

Book I Have Started but Not Yet Finished:
Two Wrongs Don't Make a Write by Cathy Wiley  (Okay, I'm only 20 pages into it, but it counts, right?)

Books on my original list not finished:


No, I didn't read those books not on my list at the end.  I read two of them at the beginning of April and one in mid-May.  But they were all fast reads, which really helps.

It also helped that I lost my job in mid-May, giving me more time to read (although I've been watching plenty of TV still, or the list would probably be longer.)

I've been doing these challenges for several years, and usually I list way too many books and I have no hope of finishing my list.  This is only the second time I've finished, so I'm thrilled.


Kristin said...

I always sign up for these with a list of books I hope to get to and I usually don't end up reading them all. Of course, it doesn't help that I end up reading a ton of books not on the list, too.

Have a great summer and if you get a chance, come check out my Spring Thing Wrap Up post.

Jen E @ mommablogsalot said...

I'm a big fan of the Spellman Files series, haven't read Document #5 yet but I am very eager to! Congrats on finishing the challenge!