Friday, January 23, 2009

Of New Roommates and Dishwashers

Before we get to this week, let's talk about something from last weekend I completely forgot to mention, shall we? I got to spend some time with Stephen and Natalie. They were in town for the Truth and Life Conference. Talked to them for a while on Friday night (I actually went to a session this year!) and again Saturday morning at the alumni brunch/sports hall of fame induction. It was really nice to seem them and their kids.

So, what's the big news around here this week?

I have a new roommate. The down side is he won't be moving in for another month or so. But I got to meet him last night, and he seems like a really great guy. I'm looking forward to it.

Now, if only my roommate moving out would, oh I don't know, come by, pay me the money he owes me, get the rest of his stuff, and return the key he has.

And I am going to break down and get a new dishwasher. The one I have leaks on the kitchen floor just about every time we run it any more instead of just on occasion. It also doesn't seem to be getting the dishes all that clean any more. And the water spots are getting horrid. Of course, that one probably won't go away unless I start buying a rinse aid.

Anyway, I did some shopping for them Wednesday night, and I think I know which one I am going to buy. Probably go buy in on Monday night, which means it will be installed some time next week.

It's actually cooling off down here these days. And we've had rain showers off and on the last couple of days. I guess it really is winter after all.

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