Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mostly Quiet. Calm Before the Storm?

After the excitment that was last week, this week has been relatively quiet.

My roommate abnd I went to another hospital Monday afternoon to try to get him into surgery sooner, but they told us we were wasting our time. The good part? They told us upfront, so we only spent about five minutes there. I had arranged to take the afternoon off, but I came back and worked another couple hours.

Other then that, he's doing as well as can be expected. He keeps taking his pain medicine. He's gone back to work for the majority of this week, and that seems to be going well. At least it did yesterday.

The surgery is scheduled for this coming Monday. Hopefully it goes as planned and we can get on to the business of healing him up.

In other news, Master's graduation was Friday night. I went as always. Got to see some extended family and some friends I hadn't expected to see. It was nice as always.

Saturday, we took the youth to a Dodger's game against the Reds. You know, I try. I really do. But I just can't get into it. Especially when I think about all the things I could have been doing with that time. And yes, my roommate went. He didn't realize where we'd be sitting and just about died when he saw all the stairs involved.

I also spent time catching up on TV from Monday and Tuesday nights. That's when I made a discovery. I hadn't taped 24 last Monday figuring I could watch it on-line. Well, Fox's system doesn't work with Windows Vista, which I now have at home. So I had to come into work to watch it Sunday afternoon. I almost didn't, assuming I'd be at the hospital with my roommate. When we got sent home so fast, I was really glad I had watched it. This season still isn't up to par, but I didn't want to miss an episode.

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