Thursday, June 02, 2005

Thursday Threesome for June 2nd

This weeks edition is brought to us by me and The Back Porch.

Onesome - I - Tell us something about yourself that you haven't posted about before and wouldn't mind stating on the record.
After three and a half years of blogging, I can't think of much.

Twosome - Need - Is there anything you need at the moment? What is it? Or, are you not in need of anything but want something?
Really truly need? Nothing. Although I guess I could say I need the vacation I've got coming up tomorrow. Or a new job so money isn't so tight.

Threesome - a Laptop - Do you have a laptop? If so, what type is it? Any recommendations for someone looking into getting a laptop?
I don't have a laptop, which is why this week's edition is brought to us by me. :)

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