Thursday, October 28, 2004

Thursday Threesome for October 28th

Hopefully this will work, unlike last night's post.

Anyway, this week's Thursday Threesome is brought to us by furniture makers and The Back Porch.

Onesome: Roll-- On a roll lately? What have you been up to where things just keep falling into place (maybe you're a Red Sox fan)? Yeah, what's working (even if it's just the TV)?
Getting the Frisbee golf together for the jr. highers went well. But still haven't gotten ahold of the guy to return his discs to him. Last weekend came together, and this weekend's trip to Disneyland seems to be coming together as well.

Twosome: Top-- Top of the world? What's the highest point you've ever been? No, the airliner doesn't count, I'm talking about standing somewhere . Have you made it to the roof? ...the Eiffel Tower? Mt. McKinley? How high is high for you?
I've been to the Dead Sea. O wait, the question is the highest point I've ever been. I've been in the Canadian Rockies (not the US Rockies, however). Getting to my parents, I regularly cross a 4000 foot peak. I'm really not sure where the highest place I've ever been is. Hope that's not too pathetic.

Threesome: Desk-- Hey, what type of setup do you have for your computer work? Are you working from a laptop while sitting on the couch? ...or maybe you have a high tech workstation/hutch combo with mood lighting and soothing music? No? How about the kitchen table? Where do you post and work from?
My computer at home is a desk top and it sits on a cheap computer cart with wheels we got so I could roll it around my dorm room years ago. The printer sits on my old desk next to it. Nothing fancy. Just a step up from the kitchen table.

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