Sunday, November 05, 2023

August 2023 - A Hurricane, an Earthquake, and a Parental Visit

(Just a quick note:  If you are landed here because of a comment I left on your book blog, you might be more interested in my review blog, Carstairs Considers.  But you are very welcome to stick around here, too.)

My parents had been talking about coming for a visit for a while, and it finally worked out for them to come in the middle of August - the same weekend we were supposed to be hit by Hurricane Hilary.  Mind you, the last time this happened was over one hundred years ago.  Mom and Dad decided to go ahead and come.

Saturday was a little cooler than it had been, but the weather was still nice.

Sunday, however, it rained.  And it rained.  And then it rained some more.  Fortunately, it had weakened by the time it hit here, so we got lots of rain but we never got the winds that were being predicted.  Fortunately.  I'm not sure how things would have turned out if we'd gotten wind.

But I mentioned we got rain, right?  I think we got at least a year's worth of rain in one day.  I saw video of flooded roads around town, although I never saw anything when I went out later in the week.

Best of all, my garage didn't flood again either.  I wasn't super worried about it, but I thought it might happen.

Then, in the middle of the afternoon, we also got hit with an earthquake.  It was far enough away that we felt it, but there wasn't any damage here.  Sounds like there wasn't any major damage close to the epicenter anyway.  Needless to say, it was a memorable visit.

But, we always play lots of games when we are together, and that's what we did.  I introduced Mom and Dad to Qwixx, a game I'd learned at my monthly game days, and it was a huge lit.  We played that a lot.  Mom did a great job of winning it, much to Dad's and my dismay.

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