Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thursday Threesome for April 24th

This week's edition is brought to us by found money and The Back Porch.

Onesome: The-- endless onslaught of junk snail mail: how much do you get each week? I'm thinking maybe we could use it as insulation in our houses...
You know, that's a good idea. Since I live in a condo, I'll be fully insulated 5 times over by the end of the year. Okay, so it isn't that bad, but I bet I get a dozen pieces a week. I seems like more, but some of those go to my roommates.

Twosome: Convenience of-- a quick in and out? Do you have a convenience store nearby that is really convenient for you?
There are several stores near me, but they are all located on major roads, so there is no such thing as quick in and out.

Threesome: Extra cash--? When you need some, where do you get it? ...the ATM? ..."write for over" at the store? What is this 'cash' thing you speak of ?
Always at the ATM. Helps me balance my banking a little better.

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