Thursday, December 07, 2006

Thursday Threesome for December 7th

Wow. I really do intend to post things other then Thursday Threesomes. Really. But in the mean time....

Onesome: Christmas-- shopping: done deal? Haven't started? "Oh, man! Yeah, I need to make a list!" (I'm thinking this one may sort out by gender...)
Well, I'll be the exception to the list. I have something for everyone but my dad and I know what I am going to get him. I just need to actually do it.

Twosome: is-- it time to decorate yet? ...or do you still have another week or two to go?
We're long past decorating. I put everything up last Sunday.

Threesome: Coming-- or going? ...or staying home? Are you visiting or hosting this Christmas? ...or both?
I'll be heading to my parents like normal. And we'll go to my uncle and aunt's Christmas day like normal.

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