Thursday, May 25, 2006

Thursday Threesome for May 25th

If I hurry, I can get it done in today.

Brought to us this week by every student's dream and The Back Porch.

Onesome- Last: What's the last thing you do each day before heading to bed? Do you sit down with a cup of herbal tea? Read a bit? What's your evening routine? Do you settle in early or are you a night owl, winding down long after the rest of the household is in bed?
I used to not be much of a night owl, but I seem to be staying up until midnight or after every night. Probably way I felt so tired yesterday. Anyway, I always read a chapter or two of my current novel before turning out the light.

Twosome- Day: How do you start off your day? Do you stumble to the kitchen and turn on the coffee maker in a sleepy haze? Or do you wake up refreshed and rarin' to go? Maybe somewhere in the middle?
I start the day by rolling over and dozing off until my alarm goes off again (or like this morning, sleeping through the alarm), then start with a shower. I don't drink coffee, but after a good shower, I'm awake and ready to face the day.

Threesome- of School: What's your fondest school memory? Whether it be from childhood or college, let us know!
I got my picture in the paper when I was out observing nature. My teacher even saw it and commented on it in class.

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