Friday, July 01, 2022

On Board with Paddle Boarding

(Just a quick note:  If you are landed here because of a comment I left on your book blog, you might be more interested in my review blog, Carstairs Considers.  But you are very welcome to stick around here, too.)

I don't think I've talked about paddle boarding much here.  I might have mentioned it last year when my friend Ginger first invited me to join her just about a year ago.  I loved it.  Not that I'm surprised.  I've always loved the water, and often wished to do something like that.  I went with her again last fall, then a couple of times in the spring.

But here was my problem.  I wanted to be able to go more often, and she had other friends who liked going as well.  So, I bought my own.  I arrived just before Memorial Day, and I've been out on it every weekend since.

There's a lake about 30 minutes from my front door, and that's where I've taken it so far.  I do a loop of the lake, which takes about an hour if you are paddling steadily, or longer if you take some breaks to enjoy it.  I bought the parking and launch passes, so I'm set for the year.

So far, I'm more of a sit down paddle boarder, although last weekend, I did kneel most of the time I was out there.  My lack of balance comes into play when I try to stand.  I really only did it once, but I wound up in the water pretty quickly.  Others, I've gotten half way up and started to wobble, so I went back down.  We'll see if I wind up standing more or not.  I'm more interested in the paddling and being on the water than in standing.  I want to have something in my life that is just fun and I'm not trying to get better at.

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