Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fall Into Reading Question 1 - Reviews

Every week during Fall Into Reading, Katrina will be asking various book and reading related questions, and I'll be answering them here.  (At least assuming I remember to answer them.)

This week's question is: How much do book reviews influence your decision to acquire and/or read a book?

Since I write reviews, I'd better answer it's always important, right?

Seriously, they really only influence me if I am debating about a book.  I'll look over reviews and skim the good and the bad.  If it sounds worthwhile, I'll get it.  If the reviews don't really convince me either way, I usually skip it.

Of course, a recommendation from someone I trust is enough to push something from the "Not even considering it" list to the "Must buy and read right away" list.

What about you?

And as a bonus since this is Banned Book Week, take a moment to read my thoughts on the week.


Katrina said...

Good point -- reviews can definitely help sway me one way or another if I'm on the fence.

Mark Baker said...

If I'm looking forward to a book, I ignore reviews because I don't want to know if it is good or not until I read it.