Tuesday, June 28, 2011

If I Had Something Exciting to Say

I feel like I need to update my blog.  The problem is I really have nothing too exciting to blog about.

The big news last week is my ultimate Frisbee game, which I already talked about.

Saturday, I did go see Cars 2, which I really enjoyed.

Sunday was a bit disappointing since I drove across town to play ultimate only to find out later they didn't play until 5PM.

Today, I finally signed up for the 10K on Monday morning.  I've been hesitating only because it starts at 7AM.  But I know if I don't do it, I will be very upset that day.  Now, to see if I can break the 1 hour mark.  Haven't really been training for it, so this will be very close, I have a feeling.  I have done a few 6 mile runs, so it won't be a foreign distance, but most of my running has been playing ultimate Frisbee.  I think that's going to wind up being my downfall more than anything else.

The auditors are at work this week for the preliminary stuff.  Having them around is always interesting, although I've been here long enough that I can answer most questions no problem.

And I think that's about it for this exicitng episode in the life of Mark.

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