Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thursday Threesome for March 22nd

This week's edition is brought to us by Clariol and The Back Porch.

Onesome: Precision--ist? Just how picky are you about 'getting things done' yourself? Is "good enough" good enough? ...or do you want to get it "just perfect" every time?
I must admit it depends. There are times I want it perfect and times I'll settle for whatever. It depends on the mood I'm in and how much time I have.

Twosome: Color-- preferences? What colors would you like to try for livening up the place a bit?
Greens. I'll always go for green.

Threesome: Management?-- Hey, are you in management or are you a line employee? Students: what do you plan to be? Moms: you get a pass since you're in administration already !
Line employee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like green too, especially bright greens (like lime green...NICE!) but my fav colour is still Blue.