Thursday, August 03, 2006

Thursday Threesome for August 3rd

Got to get this in before I need to leave. Brought to us this week by waiting rooms and The Back Porch.

Onesome:Time-- wasters in your life... Just a brief jump onto your soapbox: What is the biggest bother you have in this department? I mean, something you can post without incurring familial or job related problems ...
The internet in various ways is a big time waster. Playing poker at Yahoo, trying to keep up with message boards, writing reviews.... Still haven't gotten over my addiction to epinions, either.

Twosome: to-- beat the heat! It seems like it's all sort of hot all over the Northern Hemisphere this Summer! What are you doing to handle the heat? ...and for those Down Under? Well, your turn may come in just a few months; do you have any plans for then?
Staying in air conditioned buildings as much as possible. :) Of course, my electric bill was almost $90 when it came this week.

Threesome: Fill-- your cup with a cold something! What are you drinking this summer to keep cool? ...and if you're a tea drinker: is it "ice tea" or "iced tea"? Just curious...
My usual water and fruit juice. Love them both.

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