Thursday, August 24, 2006

Thursday Threesome for August 24th

Yep. That's right. Mark went on vacation and all you get is this week's Thursday Threesome. If it's any consolation, this week's edition is brought to us by classic game shows and The Back Porch. Not helping? Deal with it. :)

Onesome: Name-- Ah, what about names? How did your blog name come to be? Is there a story there?
A fairly boring one. I knew I'd just want to talk about whatever was on my mind, so I decided that Random Ramblings would fun good. Since my initial readers were Trixie folks, and I always brag about living in Sunny Southern CA, I thought that would make a great ending. Of course, if I ever move, I'm going to have to change the name of my blog. :)

Twosome: that-- and this. We've all thought about a change of locations from time to time: is there any place you'd like to try living for a while? (You can go back home when you're done with the tryout .)
Not really. I like living here and don't really want to move. Especially if I have to move back.

Threesome: Tune-- us into what you're listening to lately. ...anything on your radar we should be aware of?
Actually, this year has been rather slow when it comes to new releases I've been crazy about. Nothing really comes to mind.

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