Thursday, July 06, 2006

Thursday Threesome for July 6th

You know the best part of a short week? On your second day of work, you get to do the Thursday Threesome.

Onesome: Counting-- Do you ever have to do any form of inventory work? ...and you think what sorts of thoughts about it? Students, you aren't out of this one: what about book returns and such?
Despite the fact that I'm an accountant, I have never had to do an inventory work. I've recorded the results of other's inventory work however. Frankly, I'm glad. It sounds to me like boring detious work.

Twosome: Pots-- Do you/have you ever done any outdoor or camping cookery? How did it go? ...any tips for the gang?
If I went camping more on my own, I'd have more stories. I have done the hot dogs over a fire thing, but obvious not enough to have any tips to share.

Threesome: and Pans-- What one pan could you simply not do without in the kitchen. Mark can maybe slide on this one, but I'm betting his deadpan humor will come up with something...
A challenge. I am tempted to loaf around and not come up with anything, but maybe with a little thought, I can rise to the occasion. If I don't, it might be like going from the frying pan into the fire. And if that hurts a quarter of what I think it will, I don't want to do that.

Of course, Dan, I actually do have a favorite pan. I couldn't live without my springform pan because I need it to make Joanne Fluke's wonderful Cherry Cheesecake. And the mixer I got for Christmas does a great job of mixing up the batter, too.

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