Monday, July 30, 2018

Triple Score Game

It’s a familiar refrain, and unfortunately, it’s still true.  We lost again last week.  But we did triple our score from our previous game!  We got six.  But I prefer to look at it as we tripled our score from the previous game.

Once again, they have my playing handler the entire game.  Okay, so I don’t go on very often, but when I do, that’s what they have me play.  They did offer me suggestions on one thing to do differently, but otherwise, they say I am playing the position well.  That’s good to hear since I am usually a cutter.  And I was able to take advantage of being poached off of several times to advance the disc.  I also dropped it and threw it away.  But on average I wasn’t the worst player on the field every time I was on the field.  I definitely find that encouraging.

I think we are all getting frustrated with losing as much as we are.  We’ve just won one game all season, after all, and that was in week two.  But I do appreciate my team because we aren’t calling names or attacking each other.  We are trying to stay positive, but with games like this, it is hard.

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