Friday, March 31, 2017

Second Week of Beach League

The weekend I was out of town was the annual St. Pat’s Hat ultimate Frisbee tournament.  Yes, if I were in town, I would have played in it, but I had a great time with my family and don’t regret missing it at all.

But that also means I didn’t miss a weekend of beach league!  I was back in Santa Monica for the second weekend last Saturday.

Now that we have teams, we will be playing two games each week.  I was there for the first game and part of the second since I had to leave early to attend a friend’s wedding.

We won the game I was there for, and it looks like we won the second game handily as well.  We were ahead 4-2 when I left, and I think we may have gotten to 11 without them scoring again.  Yikes, right?

Unfortunately, I was scored on once that first game.  I was guarding my guy in the end zone.  He started to zig, I went with them, and then he zagged.  Not much I could do about that.

On the other hand, I did throw a score.  We’d gotten a fast break.  I was all alone partially down the field.  The guy who picked it up passed it to me.  I could see one of my teammates running across the end zone with his defender behind him a step or two.  I did have one person from the other team between me and the end zone, but I was easily able to throw it around him for the score.  It went perfectly – just as I pictured it in my head.  Since that doesn’t always happen, that made me really happy.

Tomorrow, there will be two more games, and I’ll be there for all of both of them.  Can’t wait!

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