Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Christmas with My Family

I headed up to see my family for Christmas.  Shocking if you know me at all, right?  I didn’t drive up until Christmas Eve this year since I had stuff to be working on at my new job.  I came back on Sunday, so it was definitely a quicker trip than I normally take for Christmas.

But it was so worth it.

I had a great time with my family.  Christmas morning, we went over to my brother’s house to open presents.  Then that night was down to my uncle and aunt’s for dinner with them and my cousin and his family.

One night, my niece spent with Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Mark sleeping around the Christmas tree.  Okay, maybe that night wasn’t the best since the adults didn’t get much sleep.

And I got to see some longtime family friends while I was up.

So, while it was short, it was also very busy with lots of visiting.  And then I got to come back and crash right back into work.

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