Monday, August 18, 2014

Mostly Quiet Week

It's amazing how quiet my week gets when I don't have an ultimate Frisbee game in it.  Heck, my blog had pretty much become an all ultimate blog anyway, so what do I have to talk about?

Thursday, I went to hang out with some friends.  We hadn't all hung out in a couple of months, so that was nice.  That did mean I missed my mid-week ultimate Frisbee game, however, which was a bummer.

Other than that, I stayed home.  My new roommate was able to fix my garbage disposal and I finally got him a new facet for the bathroom sink.  That dragged on longer than I intended.

Saturday was a work day at church.  I showed up late, but they were still able to use me for a few hours.

See what an exciting life I lead outside of ultimate Frisbee?  Heck, my next mud run isn't even for a few weeks.  Not until the 20th of September.

Well, there is one thing, but I'm going to wait until the end of the week to blog about it.

Yes, a blog post with a cliffhanger.  Now you've seen everything, right?

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