Wednesday, November 30, 2011

FiR Question 10

Yikes.  Just about three weeks left for Fall into Reading 2011, and I think I've got about 5 more books to go on my list.  Not going to make it, but that's not exactly a surprise since I never do.

Anyway, here's this week's FiR question:

In what ways do you encourage others to read or support their reading habits? How do you share your love of reading with others?

I think the most obvious is my reviewing.  By posting reviews at Amazon and Epinions, I hope I am helping people find new books they will enjoy.  That's my point, anyway, since I have always talked non-stop about what I am reading and enjoying, hoping to get others to share it with me.

For people in my life, I loan out books people might be interested in, and I'm always willing to give recommendations.  I also love to talk books, and I'll listen to others as they talk about the books they have read and enjoyed.  I'd like to say I borrow books from people, but it never quite seems to work that way.  My list of to be read books is always too long.

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