Friday, March 25, 2011

Worn Out

I'm just feeling worn out today.  Like a need a few days off by myself to recharge.

It's been a frustrating week in some ways.  With the heavy rain on Sunday came flooding.  My office flooded, as did lots of other places at work.  However, they didn't do anything toward drying my office out until yesterday.  Meanwhile, they were drying empty offices out.  Yeah, that makes sense.

And boy did my office stink.  My co-workers were complaining about it, but they didn't have to actually sit in it all day.  Really, itwas much worse sitting in it, trust me.

And my neighbors have been down in the garage under my bedroom smoking off and on for the last week and a half.  Comes right up in my bedroom when that happens.  So I can't get away from stink anywhere.

And I've been getting to bad late, which hasn't been helping at all.

This weekend isn't exactly going to be restful, either.  I'm playing in the St. Pat's Hat ultimate Frisbee tournament.  Because of the rain this week, it's been moved to the beach.  That will be fun even though it means it's further away.  As much as I love ultimate Frisbee, it can be agrivating when the people I'm playing it with make stupid calls.  Hopefully, I don't blow my top this weekend.  It's been known to happen.

Sunday is the first time choir is singing in church, too.  I'll have to be there at 7 AM.  Yeah, that's going to be easy.  Then from there I'll head out to day two of the tourney, wherever that winds up being.  And I'm stressing out about whether I can actually sing one of the songs.  I'm fine when singing along with only my part on the practice CD, but as soon as I start trying to sing with the other parts, I lose is.

Tonight, I'm going to see the play that the college is putting on.  Hopefully, that will help me relax some.  Add in a good night's sleep and it will set me up for a better weekend.  Either way, getting outside and running should help me get out of this funk I'm in.

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