Friday, April 30, 2010

Book Beginnings for April 30th

It's Friday!  And that can only mean it is time for another Book Beginnings, hosted by Page Turners.

I'm going to include two sentences this week since I actually completely read a book between last Friday and today.  That was Death of a Trophy Wife by Laura Levine.  Here's the opening sentence:

It was Sunday morning, and all across Los Angeles, the sun was shining, palm trees were swaying, and birds were tweeting their little hearts out.
I've got to say, since I've started participating in this meme, I've become much more aware of the first sentence.  This one is a bit bland.  As you read on, the first page does hook you (as I knew it would since I've read the rest in this fun series), but that first sentence isn't the best.

The opening of my current read, Double Minds by Terri Blackstock does grab me a bit more:

Emergency Parker!  Call me!

It's funny because the rest of the first page sets up our character and where she is when she receives that text.  Those lines are the most interesting thing on the page.  But in the first book I talked about, I find the first page more fun and engaging then I do the first page here.  So sometimes the first sentence isn't really a good measure of what the book will truly be like.


Christina T said...

I think I tried to read Double Minds but I don't remember finishing it. Death of a Trophy Wife sounds more interesting even if the first sentence isn't that great. It is probably a good thing that we don't judge books by their first sentence.

Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

I'm with you, the first sentence isn't that great. I am not really into "tweeting birds", but corny. But Im glad you enjoyed the book and I hope that you have a great week.

JHS said...

Greetings from Lodi! I know where Canyon Country is . . . I went to Cal State Fullerton for a couple of years, and later lived in Glendale while working mid-Wilshire!

I agree about the first sentence of Death of a Trophy Wife. Sounds so stereotypical LA, doesn't it?
