Friday, June 21, 2019

And a Win!

Also known as Summer League Game 3

Yes, that's right, we won last night.  It was something like 15-9, too.  We were ahead the entire game, although they did score a couple of points in a row when we reached 13 to make the game last longer than it should have.  And that first point after 13 lasted a long time.  Like at least 10 minutes.  There were so many turns.  I'm glad I wasn't on the field for that one.

We had 9 guys show up this week again, but they only had 8, which certainly helped us out a lot.  We also had two guys who hadn't been able to make it so far, which was nice.  But I do think that extra guy made a lot of the difference.

On a personal note, I had a mixed bag.  I caught two discs and I dropped two discs.  There was also one that was thrown to me where the disc sailed over the head, but fortunately a team mate was there to catch it.  One of those drops was low and to my side.  It did bounce off my hand, but it was a very awkward throw for me to catch.  The other one was most definitely my fault.  I committed the classic mistake of looking for where I was going to throw the disc before I caught it.  Just before I dropped it, I realized what I was doing, too, but there was no time to watch the disc until I caught it.  Fortunately, we got a turn and I was able to successfully catch the disc and pass it on later in that very point.

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