Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Weekend Up North

I took a couple days off work this weekend and headed north. I hadn't been up to see my parents since Christmas (although they had been down here for Easter). The trip definitely flew by, must more so than normal, in fact.

Of course, I got to see Donald and Heather on the way up and Donald on the way back down. It's always great to catch up with them. Donald's started a new job in the last few months, and we seemed to talk a lot more about work than normal. I hope we didn't bore Heather too much when we were doing that.

Saturday, Mom, Dad, and I headed down to San Francisco to finally visit the Walt Disney Family Museum. I'm sure it's not surprise to anyone, but I loved it. We spent 5 hours there and could have easily spent more time since we had to rush through the second half because they were closing. We all enjoyed it, too.

Sunday was church and then a walk around a lake in town. My parent's Borders is one of the ones closing, so I asked if we could stop by there. Sadly, there just wasn't anything worth waiting in the huge line for at only 10% off. Very little was at the "up to 40%" off they were advertising.

But the highlight of the day Sunday was when we got back and my sister-in-law called to ask if we wanted to Skyp with her and my niece. Naturally, we said yes. My niece is so cute and even knew who I was unprompted! I can't wait to see her in a week and a half.

We even managed to work in one of the movies I always bring but we never watching - Toy Story 3. They really seemed to enjoy it, too.

So as you can see if was very busy, but such a good visit.

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