Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Hello 2021

 And yes, I realize the irony of posting "Hello 2021" as a blog title when my first post of the year is the beginning of February.

I figured I should post something to let you know I'm still here and breathing.  Not that I have that much to talk about.  Like most of the world, I'm still getting out and doing very little.  I'm still working from home and will be for another couple of months at a minimum.  I'm very happy to report that things are a little calmer, which is nice.  Probably ramp up again at the end of February, but I'm hoping it stays this calm for another week or two.

My church is gearing up for meeting outdoors in person on Sunday mornings, which will be an adjustment.  Like so many, I've gotten a little spoiled with working from home and going to church at home.  I don't set an alarm either day of the weekend any more.  There are some nice parts of being home.

I do miss being out and seeing people, however.  That's the thing I miss the most.  And for an introvert like me to say that, that is really saying something.

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