Friday, February 09, 2024

Jury Duty 2024

(Just a quick note:  If you are landed here because of a comment I left on your book blog, you might be more interested in my review blog, Carstairs Considers.  But you are very welcome to stick around here, too.)

I had jury duty again the third week of January.

I'd had Federal jury duty in October of 2022, and I had to actually show up.  And it was in downtown LA, which wasn't fun.  This was back to LA County.  Fortunately, that meant I was going to be going to a more local courthouse.  Still not the one in down, but closer than downtown.

They'd originally called me for the week of Christmas.  Since I was out of town with my family for Christmas, I postponed.  I couldn't have showed up if called to show up.  But I wanted to get it over with, so I just postponed by a couple of weeks.

What I didn't like?  I couldn't call in until after 7 PM.

But I did pick the week of Martin Luther King weekend, so I only had to call in for four days instead of a full week.

And I never had to report.  It was so great every night hearing "You don't have to report tomorrow."

My boss was on call that week, too.  At the same court house.  She never had to show up either, but we were checking in with each other first thing in the morning each morning.

Hopefully, it will be several years before I have to go through that again in either location.

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